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"Kidzilla" Cadillac pedal car - (built 1994)

I built this 1/25 scale pedal car for the 1991 Toledo NNL when they had a pedal car theme. It's almost entirely scratch built.

I was trying to come up with an idea for something to build and was inspired by ZZ Top's "Cadzilla" Cadillac. I designed this pedal car version and called it "Kidzilla". For the body I sculpted a buck from "Sculpy" modeling clay and then fired it in an oven. I used the buck and vacu-formed a body over it with my home-made vacu-former. The pedal car frame was made from brass and I used some buttons I found at a craft store for the wheels. The seat and steering wheel were heavily modified '53 corvette parts. Although it looks big in these pictures, the whole thing is only 2" in length.



seaSee other model cars I've built.